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Putting Yourself First: Learn to Say “No”

by | Aug 14, 2020 | Self-Help

Putting Yourself First: Learn to Say “No”

by | Aug 14, 2020 | Self-Help

Many of us have hopes and aspirations. We have career, family, personal, and financial goals that we would like to reach one day. For most, these goals require discipline, hard work, and vision. At the same time, most of us also enjoy helping others. To decent people, it feels good to do something for another. Sometimes however, some of us may find our dreams and our desire to serve others conflicting. This may start to hold us back. After so much, it may be necessary to practice putting yourself first.

This is something that we have all dealt with at one point in our lives. I am sure that you or someone you know has said something to the effect of this phrase:

“I constantly feel that I am putting others ahead of myself”

First of all, there is nothing wrong with wanting to do good and help other people. I think that doing something big or small to improve another person’s life is a great thing. We start to run into issues after we make this act of helping others a compounding habit.

It begins to get complicated when it feels like you are doing everything you can to help more than just one or two people. All of that time you spend putting other people’s situations before your own can start to add up. It may be a noble cause, but it may also become detrimental to your own progress.

Many things in life come down to moderation, and moderation is key in this case. Giving away all of your time away to others without moderation can cause you to stunt your own growth. Sometimes it’s better to not always say “yes.” Sometimes, even if you want to help, it might be better to say “no.”

“Giving away all of your time away to others without moderation can cause you to stunt your own progress.”

It should always be a goal of yours to assist other people when you can. There is something satisfying about helping someone in whatever form. Just remember that you have your own destiny. Remember that you have work to do, things to experience, and places to go. Don’t let the empathetic aspect of your nature overshadow your own development. It’s not selfish to try putting yourself first sometimes.

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